Kids are the Church!

Sunday Mornings 10:00 AM

Revive Kidz: Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Revive Preschool: 2 – 5

Sunday mornings begin with worship for the entire church. After worship, children will be dismissed to their classes. 

We strongly believe that children are not only the future of the Church, they are the Church. Jesus welcomed children to Himself, said the kingdom of God belonged to those like them, (Mark 10:14) and told his followers to become more like children ( Matthew 18:2-5).  Children have a unique God-given ability to walk by faith and give love. It is our goal to partner with families to encourage those qualities and grow passionate followers of Christ, while also equipping them to love and serve others.  We want to teach kids to be strong leaders who know how much they are loved by God, and can share that love with their generation right now.  In our classes, we strive to build a community of friendship and togetherness.  

Revive Kidz is a place children can come to learn and grow in their faith, to be encouraged, and to have fun.  In Revive Kidz, we learn about God's word, pray for each other and the needs of our world, play games, praise God, build friendships, and look for ways to bless and reach out to our community.  

Pre-Register Your Children!

While your family is at Revive we want your children to experience God in a fun and safe environment. . That is why we use KidCheck to safely check your children in and out of classes. For your convenience we offer a way for you to pre-register your children so that you don't have to take the time on Sunday morning. To quickly and securely register your children just click on the KidCheck logo. We look forward to spending time with your children!